In my experience, the terms grounding and earthing have a variety of meanings depending on who you talk to. Some say they are the same thing, but my interpretation is that grounding is an exercise using a visualisation technique to imagine an energetical exchange - one where we connect our body through our feet (our roots) into the heart of the Earth. It’s where we bring our physical and electrical body into alignment because more often than not, it's out for all sorts of reasons, including stress. And earthing is about physically placing our bare feet on the Earth (which is full of negatively charged free electrons) to balance the positive charges which come our way from the likes of electron-deficient free radicals. We’re bombarded daily by radiation from our laptops, TV’s, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and phone masts to name just a few, all of which cause an imbalance in the delicate electrical field and function of our body’s systems. I once heard the process of earthing described beautifully: if you consider yourself a battery and the Earth is your recharging point, then earthing is the method by which you recharge. It allows energy to flow between our bodies and the Earth, greatly reducing the levels of these induced voltages. That's the technical bit over with.
Earthing in more detail